Facebook lite is a stripped down version of Facebook. It is optimized to be lightning fast, and has no application integration. That means you won’t be able to play Farmville but you will be able to do core facebook tasks in a way that is supposedly “faster and simpler.”

In the years that I have been using facebook I have not been able to login twice. Both times when facebook was broken it was probably just the result of crowded bandwidth at a packed library. On both occasions Facebook lite saved my night. Most people just use regular facebook, and many do not even know about Facebook lite. But if facebook.com ever goes down it’s facebook lite to the rescue!

Status King is a Facebook Application that allows you to Submit a Funny or Witty Status Update into a weekly contest where the winner of the best status wins their status update on a t-shirt! Anyone can vote for a favorite status. Here is a Screenshot of the favorite Status King updates of all

updates of all time!


date Sunday, February 28, 2010

2 Are You Have a Comment ? to “What is Facebook Lite And Status King ?”

  1. malcom
    April 23, 2019 at 10:43 PM

    You are using FB, but your connection is too slow, you just want to see the main news, photos of friends or someone to avoid losing traffic, optimizing everything for you. Download the Facebook Lite tips and follow the instructions in the application introduction here:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/facebook-lite-tips/ckljihelppjndljjanamcmgcmlbikkel

  1. malcom
    April 24, 2019 at 11:01 PM
    This comment has been removed by the author.

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